Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Fake Vs Real Gemstones

It’s an art and great skill to distinguish a genuine gemstone from a synthetic one which every individual should learn at least to certain extent to have the authentic one.
Gems are expensive and it is not at all desirable to afford great deal of hard earned money for a fake piece of gemstone jewellery. By applying the techniques given below one can easily determine whether the gem is fake or real. 

1-A Real Gemstone will not look perfect. It may have dents, scratches or other faults whereas synthetic gemstone tends to sparkle much more than real one.


2-Weight is the another factor of determination of fake or real gemstone.Synthetic gemstone is heavier than the real gemstone.  By simply holding the stone in hand one can easily feel the difference in weight.



3-Easy way of testing of diamond – If you breath on it should not be foggy. Secondly, the real testing of genuine diamond is that it should be able to cut glass.


4-In ancient time when technology was not so advanced, an old method of testing was in vogue. People used to put the piece of gemstone in the mouth to test its genuineness. If it is glass it will get warm whereas gemstone feels icy for longer time owing to having its higher thermal conductivity than glass.


5-Perhaps the most notable difference between synthetic and real gemstones is the price. Synthetic stones are moderately priced because they are not as rare as real gemstones.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Silver Jewellery Cleaning

To get the silver ornaments sparkling follow the procedure appended below :

1.      Keep a tray with a piece of crumpled Aluminium foil.
2.      Place the jewellery which you want to get sparkling on.
3.      Crumpled Aluminium foil placed on the tray.
4.      Sprinkle a layer of Baking Soda on the jewellery.
5.      Pour boiling water over the jewellery.
6.      Let the jewellery remain in the hot water for a while. The tarnish will transfer to the foil.
7.       In case there is any dartin any part of the jewellery rub the same with a soft brush.

Sparkling Gemstones Jewellery

After completion of the  method  narrated above you will  find your  jewellery sparkling  like anything.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Healing Chakra

Chakras are the energy vortices that exist within the subtle or etheric body, not the physical body. They are not only the “Energy Gates” of the aura but the centers of energy also – right from balancing to storage and distribution These vortices transmit energy to the body. Each Chakra governs specific functions of organs in the body close to the place where they are situated.

There are seven major Chakras between the base of spine and crown of head and each governs specific body functions.


Healing Chakra

  •        The positive and relaxed feeling comes from the balanced Chakra. If you have balanced Chakra you will notice that you are feeling positive,  relaxed and everything in your life is going on a right track.
  •         In case your Chakras are not balanced and getting blocked, you will start feeling negative and depressed. Besides, you will start feeling that nothing is going right in your life.